Value for moneyWhat you want to be sure about is that you are getting the best possible service for your money. Remember - the advice we provide is from a top qualified Town Planner with knowledge and experience in both planning policy and development, who can help guide you through the process and provide the best chance of getting the results you need.
Planning application advice and support
Our charges compare well to local authority pre-application advice service, and moreover will include advice on where the local council may be over-reaching its remit on what is or isn’t reasonable to expect. The costs of preparing and submitting a planning application will depend upon the scale and complexity of the scheme and what support you may require. For example, whether a planning or design and access statement to accompany your application. Concerned about a planning application nearby? We can also help put forward your concerns (and other issues we may spot) in a professional and clear manner. We work out the likely time this may require in advance and agree a capped fee on this basis.
Variation of conditions, certificates of lawful use
and other planning matters
We also provide help on related matters. For example, this could be for the discharge of a S52 / S106 agreement, the removal of planning conditions, and certificates of lawful use. Fee estimates are calculated based on our hourly rate plus disbursements, with the aim of getting the result you want at the least cost.
Neighbourhood planning
We recognise that neighbourhood planning is a community project undertaken by not-for-profit town and parish councils with limited budgets. We undertake an initial advisory session free of charge following which we can provide fee quotes for specific project elements, or on-going support as the main planning advisor to the neighbourhood plan group. The Government have announced they will continue to grant-fund such support at least to 2022.